
Ruth Milner

rmilner + web at bookofmarvels dot net

May-June 2012 trip to Italy. Basic journal with photo descriptions. For higher-resolution images, look here.

Winter break 2010-2011 trip to Israel and Petra. Basic journal with photo descriptions. If you want higher-resolution images, look here.

Summer 2009 road trip highlights

Photos of trip to London and Paris December 2008-January 2009

Trip to Ecuador and the Galapagos, July-August 2007. Very basic journal with photo descriptions. If you want higher-resolution images, look here.

Down and Out: Hiking the Grand Canyon with Children journal and photos from April 2007.

Trip to Egypt and Libya for the Total Eclipse of March 29, 2006 journal and photos. This journal uses a frame to show thumbnails down the left so you can easily jump to the part you're interested in. If you can't stand frames, you can start at the first page or simply look at the directory of pages.

New Zealand by Campervan 2005 journal and photos.