Egypt and Libya, March 19 - April 2, 2006 / 20060322l_KarnakObelisk Previous Home Next Ruth Milner, rmilner plus web at bookofmarvels dot net 
One of the obelisks at Karnak. They are solid granite monoliths, with tremendously detailed carvings. They were quarried upstream and floated to Karnak on barges. This one is about 70 feet tall and weighs 143 tons. Another one at Karnak, raised by Hatshepsut, is the largest in Egypt at 95 feet tall and at least 320 tons. How they were raised was a puzzle until some plausible recent work for the PBS television series Nova using big sandboxes and ropes. Originally they were capped with gold leaf, which must have been brilliant.

Text and images © Ruth Milner 2006.
May be reproduced only with author credit.