Egypt and Libya, March 19 - April 2, 2006 / 20060322y_KarnakLightShow Previous Home Next Ruth Milner, rmilner plus web at bookofmarvels dot net 
The "Sound and Light" show at Karnak starts at the main entrance pylons, and you are gradually shepherded through the ruins, pausing periodically for dramatic narrative. Walking through the hypostyle hall in the dark was stunning. There are floodlights, but you can step a little away from the brightest section and gaze up to see stars overhead between the columns - the same stars that the builders saw overhead three and a half thousand years ago. It was eerie. From there you are guided to the seating area at the far side of the sacred lake, and that's where I took this photo. Two obelisks are visible.

Text and images © Ruth Milner 2006.
May be reproduced only with author credit.